Ebook Slicer Software-MRR


Do you have lots of private label ebooks sitting on your computer hard drive?

Most marketers do. They have dozens, hundreds, even, just sitting there gathering dust.

Well, thanks to our very own Ebook Slicer software, you can easily turn them into text articles to be used on your website, blog, article directory, and elsewhere.

Scroll down to learn more or click the “Add To Cart” button to order your personal copy via PayPal.


So yes, like a lot of marketers, you probably have a whole bunch of private label ebooks sitting on your hard drive with no idea what to do with them.

We’ll, using Ebook Slicer you can easily turn them into text articles, ready to be used as website content.

Ebook Slicer is dead easy to use too:

Edit your ebook using a standard editor or word processor such as Microsoft Word or the OpenOffice Writer
Insert a special code where you want the ebook to be split
Save as a text file
Activate the software to have your ebook split into a set of article text files.

That’s all there is.

But it gets better.  Order today and get Master Resale Rights to the software (sales page included) so you can sell or resell and keep 100% of the profits.

Technical Requirements: 

PC running Microsoft Windows: (ALL VERSIONS). No Installation Required.

All that’s left now is to order your personal copy and create articles like you never thought possible.

Don’t delay, though. Do it now, and see you on the other side.


Ebook Slicer is delivered in a downloadable ZIPPED file. You’ll need an UNZIP utility and the Adobe PDF Reader to both unzip the package, and read any PDF file(s) included.

Most modern computers come with an unzip utility and you may already have the Adobe Reader installed. If not, use the above URLS to download them both, 100 per cent free.