Opti Roi


If you like the idea of increasing the conversion rates and overall profits to your website while doing a fraction of the additional work often required, you’ll love this.

It’s a proven technique widely used by top-level online marketers to boost their opt-in rates,

fine-tune their offers, and make record-breaking sales over and over again.

It’s  called A/B TESTING, and here’s where the “Opti Roi” software comes in.

Scroll down to learn more, or click the “Add To Cart” button to order your personal copy via PayPal.


Also known as split testing, A/B Testing is an online marketing concept used by top-level online marketers to test two versions of a landing page (an opt-in page or sales page) to determine which version performs better.

The idea is simple: Create two versions of your sales or landing page, present them to visitors in a random fashion with half of your traffic sent to version one, and half sent to the other.

They’re then tracked to determine which version performs better based on a pre determined outcome or goal set by you (greater number of opt-ins or sales)

Based on your tracking results, you then keep the one that brings you the results you’re looking for, and ditch the other.

The second page you create may be a complete redesign of the original, or as simple as making a headline change.

What matters, is having the ability to track and analyze the results of the traffic sent to those pages.

And here’s where “Opti ROI” comes in.

Opti ROI is an easy to use, yet brutally effective in terms of measuring the results of one sales or landing page against another.

Installed on your website, you may use it to track sales or landing pages on any number of websites, even track WordPress pages should you need to.

All you have to do is paste the tracking code into the page where your want your traffic sent, then sit back and wait on the results, real, tangible results that’ll hopefully take your Internet business to the next level of profitability.

Click here for more info on the original sales page. (NEW WINDOW)


Opti Roi” is delivered in a downloadable ZIPPED file. You’ll need an UNZIP utility and the Adobe PDF Reader to both unzip the package, and read the instruction file(s).

Most modern computers come with an unzip utility and you may already have the Adobe Reader installed. If not, use the above URLS to download them both, 100 per cent free.