Project Manager Software


One of the challenges of working online is the sheer number of tasks required to keep an online business running efficiently, and profitable, and like in the real world, we have a finite number of hours in which to get so much done.

Irrespective of the type of web based business you manage, though, a good task or project management software–designed to help manage many of your projects or routine tasks in one place- can help lighten the load.

And where our very own “Project Manager” app comes in.

Scroll down to learn more, or click the “Add To Cart” button to order your personal copy via PayPal.


Project Manager” is a desktop app designed to help manage many of your projects or routine tasks.

It’s primary purpose is to allow you to create a list of tasks or use a predefined activity list to track the progress of ANY project.

Large or small it:

Will save you time by keeping all of your projects in one place with easy access at the click of a button.
Will help keep you focused irrespective of the number of projects you’re working on.
Comes pre loaded with a list of work tasks that can be fully customized – simply edit, add, or remove at will.
Allows you to load and save individual projects – irrespective of the number.  If you’re a multi tasker you’ll love this.
Comes with a progress bar that lets you know exactly how much of your work has been completed.

All that’s left now is to order your personal copy and start lightening that load ASAP.

Don’t delay, though. Do it now, and see you on the other side.


Project Manager is delivered in a downloadable ZIPPED file. You’ll need an UNZIP utility and the Adobe PDF Reader to both unzip the package, and read the instruction file(s).

Most modern computers come with an unzip utility and you may already have the Adobe Reader installed. If not, use the above URLS to download them both, 100 per cent free.